Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New funny sayings

Jack: "Yay!"
If you say we are going to do anything he wants to do, like, "Jack, let's go play outside", or "Jack, let's go on a walk,", his response is "Yay!"

Wesley: "When I'm a grown-up", or, "When I'm a Daddy" (which especially makes us sweat a little)
As in... "When I'm a grown-up, I can pick up Jack".

They definitely keep us laughing! Pics coming soon!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jack's Communication Skills

No pictures this time...just a funny Jack story. Apparently he's learned to shake his head side-to-side to say, "No".

I was testing him on this while playing in the backyard:
Daddy: Jack, do you want to go inside?
Jack: *shakes head*
Daddy: Jack, do you want to take a bath?
Jack: *shakes head*
Daddy: Jack, do you want a banana? (nah-nah in Jack-speak - his FAVORITE fruit)
Jack: no response, thoughtful look on his face

We play a little more, then:
Daddy: Jack, it's time to go inside!
Jack: *pointing to the door* Nah-nah!

Pretty smart, I think.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Visit from our cousins!

Sadie and Nolan came over for a visit this evening. Everyone played, played, played in our backyard.






Sadie is teaching Wesley how to dribble. I'm not sure he got it.

He shoots...he scores!



Good times were had by all!
